New Look and Feel
8:13 AM
Posted by Reygahnci on Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I decided to change up the template of the site... you might have noticed. Essentially, I did not like the narrow feel of it on a wide-screen format. Also, I have taken off the streaming video links from the top and will instead be posting them at the bottom of my posts (like this) so that they get in the way less.
We picked up a Rogue who is in decent gear and seems like a decent player for our 3s team. Guntir and I finally hit 5/5 Relentless with full offpieces, as well, and I have to tell you... there's just something magical about being BiS PvP gear. You go and stand on top of the bank and people are always inspecting you, asking what comp you run, etc. Plus, there is no more pressure of "we need to hit
1) Deadly Poison has dispel resist.
2) Deadly Poison acts as a dispel buffer for Crippling and Wound.
3) Deadly Poison does hilarious damage (1k ticks on my rogue and I have 2k less AP than our new rogue)
4) Deadly Poison will, when it procs while a 5stack is up, proc the OTHER hand's poison... meaning that once a 5stack is up, it acts like he has double-Wound AND Deadly.
Needless to say, this build does a LOT more sustained damage and it has an MS effect. We just need some practice, and this comp should run smoothly. If nothing else, we will get yet another teammate his shoulders (and weapon).
An interesting thing to note here is that I went onto the Arena Junkies to see what the "good" players think about weapon speeds concerning this new build. MY GOOD LORD... they're all retarded and 2600 rated. I will grace you now with one of the retarded comments I saw in the rogue forums:I'm still going to be rocking 1.8/1.4, you need the slower weapon for bigger Eviscerates.
Moron... Eviscerate is based on AP alone, top-end damage doesn't matter. HOW did you get to 2600 and get this wrong... how!? He's right about the 1.8/1.4 setup just because Wound is a PPM proc-rate whereas Deadly is a flat percent chance to proc... so you want Deadly to proc more often to proc Wound more often, and the speed of your Would Poison hand doesn't matter, so you put that on the slowest possible for bigger Mutilates. BAH.
I will leave you with a video of some matches Guntir and I did in 2s on Monday.
December 13, 2009 at 11:28 AM
Know exactly what you are saying about AJ. Don't get me wrong it is a great site full of incredible info, but lately everything you read has to be taken with a grain of salt. Think its mostly the "not quite" great players that get carried, get posting privileges and away it goes. Especially with Blizz trying to put the fork in 2s it has turned into a bracket to carry people to gear for the 1800+ stuff, started back up in 2s on DK again recently and all I'm seeing is some_guy/relentless geared player. Which is sad because when we face people similarly geared to us we seem to steamroll them regardless of comp.
At least it isn't a buffet of QQ like official forums.
December 16, 2009 at 4:02 PM
Well, the other thing is that a lot of the "best of the best" aren't actually big into the mechanics.
They're the best because they have evolved methods that work for them (sometimes ONLY for them) and play their characters like an extension of their body, with incredible intuition.
Copying the specs and gear these people use is often a recipe for disaster, so learn to recognize them!
December 16, 2009 at 6:09 PM
@Jon ... Totally feel ya when I busted on the PvP scene I did alot of copying specs, but as I mastered my class and my spec of choice (Frost) I learned to do my own builds that suit my play style. I rarely copy specs anymore ... since I started druid I *look* at what people are using in order to understand why certain abilities are concentrated on then others.
I'm now big on tanking with my DK and I copied specs for a while because it was new territory to me in WoW (Raid tanked for YEARS in EQ, but thats a different animal all together) but now I'm comfortable enough to do my own builds.
Plus, when it comes to arena the person I'm partnered with plays a big role in what abilities I spec.
December 20, 2009 at 8:07 PM
Awesome news guys!
Ran the new ICC 5 mans the other day and won the hilt. Since I'm now rocking an ilvl 251 two hander I stepped out of my comfort zone and specced blood. Figured since frost right now is only viable with one handers I would go blood to utilize the two hander to its full potential.
Ran some 2s with my shaman bud and we been rocking it out. Time constraints we didn't get too many matches in but we went 10-3 easily (a couple of the loses where shaman's addon bugging out on him, mik's scrolling text I think its called??). I keep telling his ass he needs to roll default.
Scourge Strike be damned! Ive been Death Striking full furious holy pallys for 6k+ and nailing priests and druid for wtf-dmg ~8k if the RNG works my way hah! (nabbed that armpen trinket from FoS too!).
Hopefully we can get a good lead with the TR so when next season starts we can do it right.
Hopefully I can hit that 1800 rating and move up from there next season.
Picked up Razer Naga MMO Mouse and it RULES, the buttons are surprisingly easy to hit, great for cooldowns and macro you dont use often.
December 29, 2009 at 12:16 PM
Blog has been dead a while, hope its cause of the holidays!
Anyways, recently got my druid to lvl 80 and started the gear grind and I got some questions for ya.
Got email I can reach you at possibly, or just fire one at me:
If you aren't cool w/ that I can just fire the questions away in a comment or something.
December 31, 2009 at 1:44 PM
1.) Who the hell is commenting on your blog? I can't make fun of you for not having comments if you have comments. Tell them to stop plz.
2.) If you don't like how it looks in a widescreen format, why use a fixed width design? Wouldn't a fluid one be better?
January 4, 2010 at 5:35 AM
Aight stopping all comments then ...
I work at a bench all day with access to the internet, think I'm only person who posts here ha