Did I Mention This?
8:36 AM
Posted by Reygahnci on Thursday, May 13, 2010
I got/installed my SSD as my boot drive last week. I don't remember writing this or not. Anyway... it's STUPID fast, I'd highly suggest moving to SSD technology as the boot solution for most WoW-ers.
I logged out in Dalaran and shut down my computer for a night. The next day, I booted up cold (it took roughly 3 seconds for a full boot-up... it was hawt!), then I loaded into Dalaran at peak hours (around 8:30P server time) and it had a 2 second loading screen followed by EVERY TEXTURE AND PLAYER loaded before I could move in the blink of an eye... it was amazing.
On another note... we have been straight TANKING our 3s team. We're below 2k now, and we show every sign of failing harder and harder. I think we've lost the will to succeed. Guntir's finals are next week, and we've only been playing 10 games a week for the last few weeks for points. His pally is 3/5 Wrathful, full offset, and MH+Shield now... so he's pretty geared. We're thinking of just going back to 2s for the easy-mode 2200 (prolly higher... no one really plays 2s anymore)... we'll see what next week brings.
Given that we're lulling a bit in PvP, I've been gearing out my Rogue, who is spec'd Shs for BGs and Mutivenom for Arenas. ShS+BS is the way Rogues were MEANT to be played. It's SOOOO much more fun than anything else... you have to mind your cooldowns, use your burst appropriately, and be ever-mindful of ShS's CD.
Another thing I've been doing... PORTAL
That's right, Steam for Mac was released yesterday and I am in the room directly before GladOs. The game is very snappy ...
Holy shit... I forgot I was writing this... it's not a few days later... better post it!
May 27, 2010 at 7:22 AM
Finals ... /puke
Glad I'm done with my semester. Now, I gotta find work, some kind of job. Got some-what "laid-off" from my technician job at Best Buy so I got my general manager trying to find me some work or something at a local store maybe.
Haven't done much either with arena lately. Just doing my 10 matches to get my points and thats about it. Got all this free time and now its spent job hunting haha!
June 3, 2010 at 11:17 AM
Sucks to hear about your job situation... seems to be happening more and more these days >_<
Gearing up a new post aimed at Cataclysm info, fyi.
June 3, 2010 at 4:12 PM
Yeah hopefully I can get something! Got into a guild on Cho'gall full of arena goers and got a 5s team going with druid. 4 moonkins and a resto shaman haha... should be interesting.
June 9, 2010 at 10:08 AM
what SSD drive did you get? what size? double drives raided?
i'm in the process of building and specing out a new comp, and curious what you went with.
this is ellesime, btw.
June 9, 2010 at 10:10 AM
I bought this one:
It's a little pricier than your standard SSD, but it has a partition specially allocated to keep your disk from requiring the "trim" operation to be run N/month times. Essentially, the standard SSDs will become fragmented after a number of writes, and cause subsequent write speeds to slow down to less than that of traditional HDDs. Performing the "trim" operation will fix it, but it's annoying to have to do this every time.
June 9, 2010 at 10:19 AM
interesting. from what i've read the latest SSD drives have the TRIM operation built in, such that you don't have to run it, it does it on it's own.
however, it's not supported through a raid in win7 64bit land, so my plan of 2 40gb drives raid 0'd kinda fell on it's face.
was looking at a 64gb one, but not sure that's enough space. i'm set on an SSD for this machine though, definitely the biggest bang for the buck for my uses.
back to the drawing board!
June 9, 2010 at 10:38 AM
The SSD reads are STUPID fast... logging out in Dalaran and logging back in... night and day.